Rihanna knows firsthand how tricky it is to find a balance between work and family life, especially for new moms. In a recent interview, the singer and businesswoman admitted that achieving this equilibrium feels like an uphill battle, describing it as “nearly impossible” and “very different”.

As she juggles her career responsibilities with the joys of motherhood, Rihanna doesn’t shy away from acknowledging the unique struggles that new mothers face. “It’s tough,” she reveals, “trying to be the best at your job while also being there for your child.”

Her candid confession sheds light on the harsh realities of being a working mother, highlighting the constant juggling act needed to keep both professional and personal lives in harmony. By sharing her own experiences, Rihanna opens up about the challenges and sacrifices involved in balancing work and family commitments as a new mom.

But Rihanna’s honesty isn’t just a personal reflection—it’s a call to action. She hopes that her story will spark a conversation about how society can better support women in navigating the complexities of work-life balance. She emphasizes the need for understanding and support for moms trying to excel in their careers while raising a child, reminding us all that it’s a journey worth talking about.