In an exclusive interview, Rihanna has responded to the news about the potential scammer movie featuring Lupita Nyong’o. The singer and actress expressed her cautious optimism, stating that she is taking a “wait and see” approach to the project.


The movie concept originated from a viral photo of Rihanna and Nyong’o sitting together at a fashion show in 2014, which sparked a Twitter conversation about the two talented women teaming up for a heist film. This social media exchange caught the attention of Netflix, leading to the production of the movie.


Rihanna has acknowledged the buzz surrounding the project, but she is not ready to confirm her involvement just yet. She explained that she wants to assess the script and ensure that it meets her standards before committing to the film.


While fans are eagerly anticipating the collaboration between Rihanna and Nyong’o, the project is still in its early stages. Both women have busy schedules, making it necessary for them to carefully review the script and align their interests before moving forward.


In the meantime, Rihanna expressed her appreciation for the support and excitement from their fans and promised to keep them updated on any further developments.


Overall, Rihanna’s reaction to the scammer movie news is one of cautious anticipation as she waits to see the script and determine her level of involvement. Fans will have to be patient as they eagerly await further updates about this highly-anticipated collaboration.