India recently hosted an extravagant pre-wedding celebration that brought together Hollywood celebrities and billionaires like Bill Gates. The highlight of the event was a surprise performance by the stunning Rihanna for billionaire heir Anant Ambani and his fiancée Radhika Merchant. Rihanna, known for her killer style, rocked the stage in a mesh green dress with a high slit, paired with vibrant pink leggings, and her flowing honey-blonde hair adding to her superstar aura.
The audience went wild as Rihanna delivered electrifying performances of her hit songs like ‘We Found Love,’ ‘Work,’ and ‘Diamonds,’ accompanied by a spectacular display of live fireworks.
Fans, who have been eagerly awaiting new music from the singer, were thrilled to see her perform in a concert-like setting after eight years.
Curiosity piqued as fans wondered about the generous paycheck Rihanna received for her show-stopping performance. Sources revealed that the Fenty mogul earned a hefty $6 million for singing 19 soul-stirring tunes at Anant Ambani’s celebration. Among the high-profile guests were Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Ivanka Trump, along with Bollywood celebrities, all adding to the glitz and glamour of the three-day event.