Rihanna looked absolutely stunning as she graced the stage in Jamnagar, Gujarat for the extravagant wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. The renowned singer was radiant in a vibrant green outfit, captivating the audience with her mesmerizing performance. She belted out her famous hits like “Shine Bright Like A Diamond” and “We Found Love,” setting the mood for the first evening of the lavish three-day celebration themed “An Evening in Everland.”
Her attire, a customized ‘salwar kameez’ with a twist, adorned with intricate beaded embroidery and pink glittering leggings underneath, was a sight to behold. Rihanna’s statement necklace shimmered, covering her décolletage, while a cap and sheer pink wrap completed her traditional yet contemporary look.
Following her electrifying performance, the bride and groom, Anant and Radhika, danced the night away with the pop star, soaking in the joyous atmosphere. Rihanna later changed into an elegant blush pink ‘soft saree,’ exuding grace as she bid farewell to the celebration. She paired the saree with black flats adorned with large silver diamantes, a perfect blend of sophistication and style.
The event was graced by prominent figures like Mark Zuckerberg, India’s richest man Mukesh Ambani, and socialite Radhika’s father, Viren Merchant. Notable personalities like ASAP Rocky, Bill Gates, Ivanka Trump, and Bollywood celebrities added to the glitz and glamour of the event.
The lavish celebrations extended over three days, with thematic dress codes for each day, promising a memorable experience for all guests. From “A Walk on the Wild Side” to “Hastakshar” celebration, each event showcased opulence and elegance at its finest, making Anant and Radhika’s wedding a truly unforgettable affair.