Rihanna recently revealed the true identity of the godmother of her second son, Riot. In an interview, the singer shared that her close friend and assistant, Jennifer Rosales, has taken on the important role in her son’s life. Rihanna expressed her love and gratitude towards Rosales for always being there for her and her family.

The singer explained that having Rosales as the godmother was a natural choice due to their strong bond and friendship. Rihanna is known for keeping her personal life private, but she decided to share this special detail about Riot’s godmother as a way to honor and appreciate the important people in her life. Riot is Rihanna’s second child, born early this year, and the singer is excited to have Rosales play an important role in his upbringing. The reveal of Riot’s godmother adds a personal touch to Rihanna’s life and showcases the strong relationships she values with her friends and family.