On Monday, the Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week Dior show was graced by none other than Rihanna, stealing the spotlight with her signature edgy style. The 35-year-old legendary singer looked absolutely stunning in a pencil skirt and padded jacket, adorned with a headgear and leather gloves. Adding a touch of glamour, she sported a gorgeous diamond necklace and pointed white stilettos, perfectly complementing her flawless makeup look.
Accompanied by her partner A$AP Rocky, Rihanna arrived in Paris with their two adorable children in tow. Lovingly cradling her 18-month-old son RZA, the pop star exuded warmth and happiness as they made their way through the airport terminal.
Joining Rihanna at the fashion show were other celebrities like Anya Taylor-Joy, Elizabeth Debicki, and Natalie Portman, each exuding their unique sense of style. Anya Taylor-Joy dazzled in a crimson lace gown, while Elizabeth Debicki rocked wide-leg pants and a chic off-shoulder top, showcasing the diversity and glamour of Paris Fashion Week.